Saturday, May 21, 2011

Time Off

I had the day off, no cleaning house, working, errands, crafts,  etc....  I went to a party for a cousins graduation and spent the entire evening with friends and family! What a rejuvenation of mind and spirit to do absolutely nothing but kick back and laugh with those you love! The weather was beautiful today in East TN and the food was great. It was exactly what I needed! The Lord knows what we need at all times and he has blessed me greatly today!
This is a pic from Christmas of me and all my cousins! There's something wonderful about the love a family shares!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I am discouraged and can't seem to get motivated! Anyone else having this problem? I can't seem to get inspired lately, I'm not sure if I'm tired or if it's something else! I am working on a new blanket and all I do is about a row or 2 a night! Which all of you know that crocheting just 1or 2 rows does not take that much time! Well God willing I will get my MOJO back soon!  Some Family photos, when I get like this I turn to my family for inspiration! And of course my dog Lucy is a family member! All of you dog lovers out there will totally understand what I mean! LOL

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I have more patterns than I know what to do with them! LOL I have posted several on Etsy and I have about a hundred more to go through! I am so busy and have not had time to make anything new which makes me a little sad! I need to get started on the blankets I am making as christmas gifts and some new items to sell for fall and christmas! Time where do you go? I need more! have fun crocheting everyone!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Work, Craft, Family, Play

I have been struggling with getting a schedule down to where I can get everything done! I went back to work at a bakery and now work on average 30-35 hrs a week, plusmy house work, spending time with family, errands and shopping, and of course my crafts and computer time! There's no me time to just relax and enjoy and I am getting a little stressed and tired! Plus my disabled In-Laws home health care provider has not been providing for a week now! I need a vacation! Ok sorry to vent but I needed to get that out! I hope everyone keeps crocheting and having fun doing it, if it stops being fun quit for a while and take a break! I have and it is a good thing, but I have been keeping new items on my etsy by posting some of the pattern books I have! Spring cleaning the craft room feels great!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


It's been a while and I have went back to work at a bakery! I have been posting my pattern books, current and antiques on Etsy. I am decluttering and minimizing my stash! All crocheters have a stash of yarn and other supplies and I really need to simplify life right now! Here are some of the books I have!